Ligjerate dhe Workshop nga Prof. Robert Zakrzewski nga University of Łódź, Department of Environmental Chemistry, Poland 90-236 Łódź, Pomorska 163
Fakulteti Shkencave Matematike Natyrore
Vendi Departamenti Kimisë Amfiteatër 29 Nentor 2023- E mërkure ora: 11:45- 13:15
Ligjerate: Application of Iodine-Azide Reaction in HPLC Analysis for Determination of Thiols
29 Nentor 2023- E mërkure ora: 13:30-15:00
Ligjerate: Application of imagine analisis technique in TLC – office chromatography
1 Dhjetor 2023 -E premte ora: 11:45-13:15
Workshop: From reading scientific tests to writing an excellent bachelor's and master's thesis
Dr hab. prof. of UL Robert Zakrzewski was born in 1970 in Lodz. He is a graduate of then Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at the University of Lodz. In September 1997, he defended his doctoral thesis obtaining a doctor’s degree in chemical sciences. In 2010 Robert Zakrzewski was awarded a doctor habilitatus (doktor habilitowany) degree in chemical sciences by the Council of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Lodz. In the 2016-2020 term, he was a vice-dean of the Faculty of Chemistry for student affairs and quality of education at the University of Lodz.
Dr hab. prof. of UL Robert Zakrzewski conducts his main scientific research in the field of chemical science, in the discipline of chemistry and he is focused on the development of new analytical methods used for determination of biologically active compounds. His second mainstream research interest is studying complex skills of students in teaching chemistry. Since 1995 he has been a member of the Polish Chemical Society, and since 2015 a chairman of the Chemistry Didactics Section of the Polish Chemical Society. A member of the Board of the Polish Society for Educational Diagnostics in the 2019-2022 term. A member of the Ministry of National Education expert teams for teaching chemistry, and over the years 2015-2019 a member of the Scientific Council of the Central Examination Commission.